Sunday, March 11, 2018

Welcoming Artist Margo James

Canvas Gallery is excited to welcome Vancouver Island artist Margo James and her beautiful, energetic acrylic canvases.

Margo returned to painting after many years of putting everything else first. She studied art at the University of Manitoba before heading west to the mountains and water and where a part of her heart will always be. She still lives in her cabin by the water and has never let go of the reflections, either in her eye or in her paintings.

544-001 | Margo JamesWater Totem, acrylic on canvas, 60"x48". $2900

544-002 | Margo JamesA Little Sun.., acrylic on canvas, 48"x48". $2400

544-003 | Margo JamesIce Storm, acrylic on canvas, 48"x48". $2400

544-004 | Margo JamesBaba Yaga, acrylic on canvas, 48"x36". $1800

544-005 | Margo James, Candy Coated Trees, acrylic on canvas, 40x60". $2500

For more information on Margo James as well as our other artists, please visit

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