Thursday, February 11, 2016

Making Waves with Carole Malcolm

Carole Malcolm dropped off these five new waterscapes this week in a variety shapes & sizes.

493-028 | Carole MalcolmShoreline Study (0116), acrylic on canvas, 36"x60". $2750

493-029 | Carole MalcolmShoreline Study (12815), acrylic on canvas, 30"x30". $1175

493-030 | Carole MalcolmShoreline Study (00216), acrylic on canvas, 30"x60". $2300

493-031 | Carole MalcolmShoreline Study (00316), acrylic on canvas, 40"x40". $2350

493-032 | Carole MalcolmShoreline Study (00516), acrylic on canvas, 40"x72". $3725

To view more works by Carole Malcolm as well as our other artists, please visit

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