Saturday, January 2, 2016

Expressive Abstracts from Rina Gottesman

Rina Gottesman recently dropped off these four fun & colourful abstracts on canvas. The artist was also recently interviewed in an article on Creativity Post with author Joanne Foster, having an intriguing exchange on children and what spurs on creativity. A great read:

459-060 | Rina Gottesman, Timeless, 
mixed media on canvas, 36"x30". $1100

459-061 | Rina Gottesman, Hopes & Dreams, mixed media on canvas, 36"x36". $1300

459-062 | Rina Gottesman, Rush Hour 2, mixed media on canvas, 40"x40". $1600

459-063 | Rina Gottesman, Rush Hour, 
mixed media on canvas, 36"x48". $1700

To view more works by Rina Gottesman as well as our other artists, please visit

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